EASA Part-66 Exam Practice Questions


Click a Module to view a breakdown (by subsection) of the number of questions currently stored in the club66pro.com database for free trial and premium membership levels.

Note: Some Subsections may show zero questions. This is in accordance with the EASA Part-66 Syllabus. Please select a higher Licence Category (B1 or B2) to view all questions.

SubsectionFree Trial Membership QuestionsPremium Membership Questions
05.01 - Electronic instrument SystemsTypical systems arrangements and cockpit layout of electronic instrument systems.888801749494949049
05.02 - Numbering systemsNumbering systems: binary, octal and hexadecimal; Demonstration of conversions between the decimal and binary, octal and hexadecimal systems and vice versa.003808004466066
05.03 - Data conversionAnalogue Data, Digital Data; Operation and application of analogue to digital, and digital to analogue converters, inputs and outputs, limitations of various types.003808003469069
05.04 - Data busesOperation of data buses in aircraft systems, including knowledge of ARINC and other specifications. Aircraft Network/Ethernet.003303001521520152
05.05 (a) - Logic circuitsIdentification of common logic gate symbols, tables and equivalent circuits; Applications used for aircraft systems, schematic diagrams.001010010004545045
05.05 (b) - Logic circuitsInterpretation of logic diagrams.000303000808
05.06 (a) - Basic computer structureComputer terminology (including bit, byte, software, hardware, CPU, IC, and various memory devices such as RAM, ROM, PROM); Computer technology (as applied in aircraft systems).66131301329294343043
05.06 (b) - Basic computer structureComputer related terminology; Operation, layout and interface of the major components in a micro computer including their associated bus systems; Information contained in single and multiaddress instruction words; Memory associated terms; Operation of typical memory devices; Operation, advantages and disadvantages of the various data storage systems.00060600056056
05.07 - MicroprocessorsFunctions performed and overall operation of a microprocessor; Basic operation of each of the following microprocessor elements: control and processing unit, clock, register, arithmetic logic unit.00050500021021
05.08 - Integrated circuitsOperation and use of encoders and decoders; Function of encoder types; Uses of medium, large and very large scale integration.00060600035035
05.09 - MultiplexingOperation, application and identification in logic diagrams of multiplexers and demultiplexers.00030300014014
05.10 - Fibre opticsAdvantages and disadvantages of fibre optic data transmission over electrical wire propagation; Fibre optic data bus; Fibre optic related terms; Terminations; Couplers, control terminals, remote terminals; Application of fibre optics in aircraft systems.00612012003982082
05.11 - Electronic displaysPrinciples of operation of common types of displays used in modern aircraft, including Cathode Ray Tubes, Light Emitting Diodes and Liquid Crystal Display.33770733336363063
05.12 - Electrostatic sensitive devicesSpecial handling of components sensitive to electrostatic discharges; Awareness of risks and possible damage, component and personnel anti-static protection devices.33660619192626026
05.13 - Software management controlAwareness of restrictions, airworthiness requirements and possible catastrophic effects of unapproved changes to software programmes.0366060113131031
05.14 - Electromagnetic environmentInfluence of the following phenomena on maintenance practices for electronic system: EMC-Electromagnetic Compatibility EMI-Electromagnetic Interference HIRF-High Intensity Radiated Field Lightning/lightning protection.0366060163535035
05.15 (a) - Typical electronic/digital aircraft systemsGeneral arrangement of typical electronic/digital aircraft systems and associated BITE (Built In Test Equipment) such as: ACARS-ARINC Communication and Addressing and Reporting System EICAS-Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System FBW-Fly-by-Wire FMS-Flight Management System IRS-Inertial Reference System; 00000141201201201201208
05.15 (b) - Typical electronic/digital aircraft systemsGeneral arrangement of typical electronic/digital aircraft systems and associated BITE (Built In Test Equipment) such as: ECAM-Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring EFIS-Electronic Flight Instrument System GPS-Global Positioning System TCAS-Traffic Collision Avoidance System Integrated Modular Avionics Cabin Systems Information Systems.051515151053
05.18 - New questionsThese questions have been reported recently. They are new questions to the database. The wording of the questions may not be exactly as they appeared on the real exam. They are currently being researched. If you have any knowledge of the subject, or know of any direct source of information, we would welcome your feedback.0151515151515
Total Questions:1331071